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How to Find a Trusted Pet Sitter in London

When looking for a pet sitter, you shouldn't focus on finding the cheapest one. You should prioritize the well-being of your pet.

Where to find a good pet sitter in London

Are you preparing for your next vacation or taking extra hours at work? It is paramount that you find a trustworthy pet sitter in London to care for your pet while you are away.

Now, how do you find a trusted pet sitter in London? Trustworthy pet sitters don’t come with a placard hanging down their neck, but there are steps you can take to ensure you end up with a pet sitter that will take good care of the animal.

1. Ask for Recommendation

Getting first hand recommendations from those who have worked with pet sitters is a great way to find a pet sitter. Veterinarians meet pet sitters and those who employ their service so that you can ask your veterinarian for recommendations. 

Apart from your veterinarian, you can ask your neighbours, families and friends from your local communities for recommendations. There may even be pet sitters amongst them.

2. Use Social Media

Social media is a great place to find pet sitters or get good recommendations from other pet owners in your community. There are many pet groups on social media. Search for pet groups for London, join them and engage. You can contact pet owners directly or make a post.

You can get firsthand recommendations using social media; the only difference from asking friends and family is that in the case of social media, you don’t have a personal relationship with them.

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3. Research Online

There are websites and apps that connect pet sitters to owners—platforms like Rover, pet sitters and Trusted Housesitters. You can register on these platforms as a pet owner. On Rover, you can hire services like pet sitting, drop-in visits, dog walking and hoarding. Pet sitters create profiles with the services they offer, photos and personal information. However, on Trusted Housesitters, the pet owners provide information about their pets, their location, and the services they seek.

4. Vetting Pet Sitters

After putting down the names and contacts of the recommended pet care providers from friends, family, and platforms like Rover, you are responsible for vetting them to find the best sitter for your pet.

When looking for a pet sitter online, pay attention to the reviews. Reviews are genuine opinions of people about the pet sitters based on their experiences with them. Reviews can give you insight into a pet sitter’s thought process and temperament. Choose pet sitters with more positive reviews and ratings. 

If friends recommended them, etc, check if they have websites or personal social media accounts, visit them, and do a background check on them. You may learn things such as their favourite animal (if they have any), their rates, working hours and days.

5. Trust Your Instincts

Our instincts are always correct 99.9% of the time, so even after the vetting, interviews and other processes, pay attention to your instincts. If you feel uncomfortable even after all your boxes have been ticked, something is probably wrong.

A pet sitter with few reviews, no professional certificates, etc., might be the pet sitter you need. So, make your choice flexible by considering your instincts.

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6. Interview

After getting recommendations and getting contacts through online research and narrowing down to the few that met most of your expectations, the next thing is scheduling an interview.

An interview is the last step before hiring, so it should be handled carefully. In an interview, ask questions you have and provide clear answers to the questions you are asked.

Some of the questions you can ask your potential pet sitter in London during an interview are:

1. Can you provide references from previous clients in London?

2. What types of pets have you cared for?

3. How do you manage emergencies?

4. Are you certified in pet first aid or CPR?

5. How do you handle multiple pets or households at once?

7. Prepare for the Pet Sitter

Once you have hired a pet sitter, the next step is preparing for their resumption. Here are some tips to make things easy and enjoyable for them.

Write Down Everything: Even if you have discussed everything from the pet’s medication, the location of their poo bag, foods they ate and their daily routine, it is important that you write them down in a journal they can refer to for clarity.

Be Accommodating: It takes little to make pet sitters comfortable in your house. A kind gesture like clearing and arranging where they will be sleeping shows that you are concerned about their well-being, too.

Stay in Touch: Though the pet sitter is expected to give a daily report, you shouldn’t leave the communication entirely to the pet sitter. Calling occasionally to check up helps you build a balanced relationship with the pet care provider.

Things to Consider When Choosing a Pet Sitter in London

Professional Certification: Most professional pet sitters will have pet sitting-specific certifications such as the National Association of Professional Pet Sitters (NAPPS) certification and Certified Pet Expert (CPE). A pet-sitting certificate proves they have a broad knowledge of caring for and keeping pets safe. It also shows how committed they are to the industry and that they are ready to stand out. 

Age: If your pet is heavier than average or has a special need, you should find someone who can handle the physical demands.

Experience: A pet sitter who has been in the industry for a long time will have more experience caring for different animals.

Insurance: You want to ensure you are covered in accidents or damage. So, ensure the pet sitters have insurance and bonding.

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When looking for a pet sitter, you shouldn’t focus on finding the cheapest one. You should prioritize the well-being of your pet. Having a pet sitter, you can entrust to the welfare of your pet while you go on that vacation or take those extra hours at work. It is priceless, and sometimes they don’t come easy and cheap.

Remember to check reviews, do background checks, and ask all the questions you feel are important during the interview.

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