Home Start a Business Guide on Starting a Childcare Business from Home in the UK

Guide on Starting a Childcare Business from Home in the UK

In the UK, childcare providers earn, on average, £25,000–£35,000 per year and as much as £70,000 annually in inner London.

Start a childcare business in the UK

Do you like being around children and caring for them? Do you want to start a childcare business from home in the UK? Starting a childcare business, also known as childminding, is rewarding and in high demand. Many parents have careers and businesses that occupy their day, and they can pay any amount to have their children adequately cared for while they work.

There are important steps to take before you can qualify to start a childcare business in the UK, and this article will provide the necessary information you will need.

Benefits of Starting a Childcare Business from Home

Starting a childcare business from home has many benefits, such as more time to care for your family because you have to choose your working days and hours, the privilege of helping the children grow and flourish, and financial rewards. 

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What Type of Childcare Business Can I Start From Home

There are five types of childcare recognised by Ofsted, and they are: 

  1. Out-of-school provision: This is childcare on non-domestic premises, such as setting up a holiday game scheme. 
  2. Childcare on domestic premises: In this case, the place used is a domestic premise, and there are four or more people taking care of the children.
  3. Childminders: Childminders take care of the children in domestic premises that normally belong to one of the childminders.
  4. Home Childcare: This type of childcare is done on domestic premises belonging to one of the children under care.
  5. Early years provision: Nursery or preschool childcare.

According to the four Ofsted recognised childcare, you can start a childminding service from home if it meets the requirements.

Below are the ways to start your own childcare business from home in the UK:

Conduct Market Research

Childcare business is like other businesses, and demand sustains every business. Before anything else, you should engage in market research. Market research will expose you to the nature of the business in your proposed local area and your competitors. You will know your clients, their needs and challenges through market research. After market research, you will know the best way to set up the business to serve the clients better and beat your competitors.

Have a Place to Run Your Childcare Business

It would help if you had a place to run your childminding business. Ensure that your home or the domestic premises are suitable for childcare. Your home should be spacious enough and can comfortably accommodate up to 6 children. Buy the necessary equipment like cots and toys. 

Remember that your clients want their children safe while they have fun, so ensure your home is safe for them. Kids are fearless explorers who can do anything, so ensure the surroundings meet the Ofsted requirements and invest in childproofing equipment.

Age and Number of Children You Can Register to Care for?

As a childminder in the UK, you can only care for up to six children under eight years old at once, including your children. For instance, if you have two children aged 3 and 5, you can only admit four children under eight, making the total six children.

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Are You Fit and Healthy?

Though the childcare business is profitable, it’s a physically and emotionally demanding job. As a childminder, you must ensure that you are fit and healthy enough because you will be lifting the children, moving toys, paying attention to the children for the time they spend with you. You need to be physically fit enough to attend to their needs.

Understand and Comply with the Law?

Before looking over children in your home as a childminder, you must register with the necessary regulatory body or an accredited childminder agency. There is Ofsted in England, the Care Inspectorate in Scotland and the Care and Social Service Inspectorate. To be able to register as a childminder, you need a couple of things which include: 

  • A check from the Disclosure and Barring Service (DBS) to ensure you are not on the barred list for home workers.
  • You will undergo first aid training according to the age group you will be caring for.
  • If you have lived outside of the UK for the past five years, you will need a certificate of good character from an embassy.
  • Two reference contact details.
  • Your health declaration booklet.

Note that anybody 16 years and above living in your home will get a check from the DBS according to their role.

After the registration, you will be inspected by Ofsted or an accredited childminder agency to ensure your home is safe, conducive and ready to provide standard childcare. An inspection from Ofsted can take up to 30 months after registration, but you can shorten the time to two or three months if you use an accredited agency.

Also, Ofsted conducts inspections at least once every six years, but some accredited childminder agencies provide an annual inspection, ongoing training, and support.

Get the Right Insurance Coverage

As a childcare business provider in the UK, you are required to have public liability insurance. The insurance protects the children and childminders in the case of any accident – covering the cost of any legal claims against the childminders by third parties.

You need home and building insurance and business class 1 insurance if you will offer rides to the children.

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Market Your Business

Every business needs marketing to gain new patronage. There are different ways you can market your childcare business. The first determining factor is your finances. 

If you have the financial resources, running a paid advert on your local radio, TV station, or online platforms will be a great idea. You can run ads on Facebook and Google targeting your locality to make it faster.

But if you are low on finances, you can employ door-to-door marketing starting in your immediate neighbourhood. You can also print posters and banners and paste them around your area.


In the UK, childcare providers earn, on average, £25,000–£35,000 per year and as much as £70,000 annually in inner London. Though the childcare business in the UK is financially rewarding, getting your first client may take a little more time.  It will take longer to attract clients when you rely on door-to-door marketing

When you get your first client, remember that how you render your service as a childminder will determine the growth and success of the business.

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