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How to Make a Living in the UK Working as TikTok Virtual Assistant for Brands

You shouldn’t assume that all your potential clients understand what you will do for them as a TikTok virtual assistant. You should create a portfolio of your services and packages. Make your packages as straightforward as possible, leaving nothing to assume. List your services and their prices.

Make a living as a TikTok virtual assistant

With over one billion monthly active users, can you make a living working as a TikTok virtual assistant in the UK? Yes, TikTok is currently the most used video platform.

To be a TikTok virtual assistant, you should know how TikTok works, how to shoot and edit videos, audit accounts, schedule posting, and write good descriptions with the correct elements like hashtags. 

But don’t feel overwhelmed because you mustn’t be an expert to start working as a VA.

If you spend a good time on social media, know how the platform works in detail, and have some creative skills, you can earn $10 to $30 per hour as a virtual assistant. 

The virtual assistant industry is enormous. Every day, new businesses, entrepreneurs, and organizations are added to the millions already in existence. This means that the demand for virtual assistants is always on the uptrend.

I have niched down to TikTok VA and prepared this guide to help you learn how to make a living in the UK working as a TikTok virtual assistant for brands.

What is a TikTok Virtual Assistant?

A TikTok virtual assistant is someone who manages and grows a client’s presence and reach on TikTok. The primary responsibilities of a TikTok VA include designing graphics, shooting and editing videos, scheduling posts and running advert campaigns.

A TikTok VA works to drive more traffic and engagement to clients’ TikTok accounts and websites for conversion in the form of leads and sales.  

Who Can Become a TikTok Virtual Assistant?

Anyone can be a TikTok virtual assistant. You’re not required to present any certificate; just be skilled.

If you’re creative and can create high-quality graphics and shoot and edit videos, you’re good enough to start as a virtual assistant on TikTok.

If you can use popular tools like Capcut and Canva for editing videos and designing graphics, it will increase the value of your service as a virtual assistant.

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What Does a TikTok Virtual Assistant Do?

A TikTok VA assists businesses in many ways, and I have listed some of them here. They are:

. Create high-converting videos

. Schedule Posts

. Analyze competitors

. Write Optimized Descriptions

. Plan Posts

. Participate in challenges

. Evaluate Performance

. Stay Current on Trends and Updates

How Much Can You Make as a TikTok Virtual Assistant?

As a virtual assistant, there is no cap on how much you can make. Beginners can make from $10 to $30 per hour, which equals $400 to $1,200 per week at 40 hours per week. 

You can charge higher as you grow and gain more skills and experience. As your value increases, you can start charging a flat price. Getting to the point where you can set a flat fee should be the dream of every virtual assistant, not only TikTok VAs. 

When you charge a flat price, you can make more and have the time and freedom to work with more clients.

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How to Become a TikTok Virtual Assistant Step-by-Step

Starting any business without planning will frustrate you because you will make many avoidable mistakes like taking up services you shouldn’t or underpricing your services.

That is why you should follow these steps below to start your TikTok virtual assistants journey correctly.

Set Your Income Goals

Whether you’re a beginner with fewer skills or a seasoned virtual assistant wanting to move to TikTok, you must set your income goals.

Ask yourself. How much do I need to live comfortably in this city? Assuming you live in London. You can’t use the income goals of someone living in West Lindsey for yours because, though they are all in the United Kingdom, their living costs differ.

Also, you should decide whether to do this as a side hustle or full-time.

Who is Your Ideal Client?

Choosing the people you want to work with and being specific when doing that saves you a lot of energy and makes things much more manageable. 

Don’t just say, “Heyl, I want to work with brands”. Be more specific, for example, “I want to work with small fashion businesses looking to get more traffic to their store”.

Create a Virtual Assistant Service Website

Don’t get it twisted; you don’t need a boggy website or spend a lot of money to get one.

You only need a simple, lightweight website. If you get a one-page website, you are good. It is advisable to use a custom domain such as “yourname.com” rather than a free domain from Blogspot or WordPress, where you get domains such as yourname.blogspot.com or yourname.wordpress.com.

Using a custom domain makes your website appear professional. When designing your website, use a lightweight and beginner-friendly theme in case you want to set it up yourself.

How to Set Up Your Website 

. Register a domain name on Namecheap or Godaddy

. Host your website on Cloudways or Kinsta

. Install WordPress

. Get and install themes like Hestia, Divi or Elementor

. Design your website or hire someone to design it for you.

And your website is ready.

Create Your TikTok Virtual Assistant Packages and Portfolio

You shouldn’t assume that all your potential clients understand what you will do for them as a TikTok virtual assistant. 

You should create a portfolio of your services and packages. Make your packages as straightforward as possible, leaving nothing to assume. List your services and their prices.

You can start by charging hourly initially, and as you gain more experience and mastery, you can start charging a flat rate.

Become Familiar with Tools Related to TikTok

Choosing your ideal clients and having your income goals and service packages won’t replace your skills. Becoming familiar with tools used for TikTok virtual assistance, such as Google Docs and Canva, will increase your value and help you land more clients and retain.

So, take your time, familiarize yourself with the tools you will need as a TikTok VA, and gain control of them.

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Where to Find TikTok Virtual Assistant Clients?

Now, you have all the steps above completed. It is time to put yourself out there and go after your ideal clients. An unknown product won’t be bought, no matter its value.

Some of the places you can find clients are:

. Facebook groups

. X (formerly Twitter)

. Instagram

. Youtube

. TikTok

. Medium.com

. Quora


Within a short time, TikTok became one of the best platforms for new and old businesses. The platform’s algorithm is a game-changer for brand awareness. TikTok Virtual Assistant is one of the top jobs you can quickly start in the UK with only a computer and smartphone.

Don’t procrastinate; implement and start making a living in the UK as a virtual assistant for brands.

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